News list for " everythingempty"

Virtuals: Plans to launch Solana platform in the first week of February

On January 26th, Virtuals Protocol co-founder everythingempty announced that its platform will be expanded to Base and Solana. Developers can choose to generate proxies and corresponding tokens on the two chains, and provide initial liquidity on Uniswap or Meteora respectively. The team plans to launch the Solana platform in the first week of February, when it will launch the $VIRTUAL/SOL liquidity pool and finalize the relevant details with LayerZero. In addition, for the proxy team on the Base...

2025-01-26 17:08:55

1月26日消息,Virtuals Protocol联合创始人everythingempty宣布其平台将扩展至Base和Solana,开发者可选择在两链上生成代理及对应代币,并分别在Uniswap或Meteora上提供初始流动性。团队计划于2月第一周上线Solana平台,届时将推出$VIRTUAL/SOL流动性池,并与LayerZero敲定相关细节。 此外,针对Base链上的代理团队,虽然Uniswap上的流动性池锁定十年无法迁移,但团队正探索使用代理钱包中...

2025-01-26 17:08:55